Courier Services

Looking to ship Using Team Global Express Courier Services  To anywhere in Australia?

Now you can with World Options.

We provide multiple Team Global Express shipping services through the World Options online shipping portal, offering business customers the choice to suit every logistics needs.

Book shipments faster than ever before within invoicing and tracking in one place.

Team Global Express Offer Through World Options’ Online Portal

Australian Domestic Services – by the end of the day

  • Road Parcels – National next Best Day by 5pm
  • Palletised Express
  • Afterhours / weekend / public holiday deliveries
  • Time-specific delivery windows
  • High-risk and highly monitored freight
  • Hand-to-hand delivery
  • Dangerous goods
  • Biological substances (category B)
  • Temperature-controlled items (Australia only)
  • Medical supply deliveries
  • National Intermodal Deliveries
  • Rail
  • Coastal Shipping

Team Global Express international services

Team Global Express currently does not provide international services.

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